Pediatric history taking and physical examination

History Taking in Pediatric Neurology

A child with Global developmental delay

Very commonly patients with global developmental delay are kept in the examination. Taking history and completing full examination can be quite exhausting in all neurological cases. A proper format is therefore, important to finish history and examination without missing any points.

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A child with SOL

This is a very brief case presentation on how to approach a child with an Intracranial tumor followed by viva oriented discussion on brainstem glioma

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Stroke in children

Although this is a theory post, It can be immensely helpful in answering viva questions for a long case. Amongst neuro cases in clinical exams, cases with stroke are fairly common.

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History Taking in Gastroenterology

A child with hepatosplenomegaly

This is a pediatric history taking and clinical examination format for a child presenting with hepatosplenomegaly and few other symptoms like jaundice, anemia, bleeding, etc. There are some handy tips alongside. This should be useful for the observed station in the OSCE exam also

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Infant with Jaundice

History taking and Clinical case presentation on an 8-month-old baby presenting with jaundice and pale-colored stool

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Respiratory History Taking

History Taking for short cases

Despite the short, history and examination time allotted to them, short cases are excellent in testing focused history and clinical examination skills

A syndromic child

This guide outline general approach to attempt a short case prsentation in exams. It covers history and examination for a Dysmorphic child with Seckel syndrome.

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