DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Diseases of blood
This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.
How to use the question bank?
- Questions are arranged in chronological order, latest first
- Each question is followed by a Numbers.
- Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
- The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.
Section 1. The Hematopoietic System
Development of the Hematopoietic System
- a) Describe the evolutionary development of the hemoglobin’s from
embryo to adult.
b) Describe the relationship among the various hemoglobin’s in first
year of life and their implication in diagnosing hereditary hemoglobinopathies. (2020/2) 5+5 - Fetal Hematopoiesis (2019/2)4 (Try to avoid confusing with fetal circulation)
The Anemias
- Approach to 2 days old neonate with anemia (2019/2)6
- List the causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia. How will you differentiate between iron deficiency anemia and thalassemia? Discuss Briefly the oral iron chelators. (2008/1)10
- What is the peripheral smear finding in (2005)2+2+2+2+2 a. Thalassemia Major b.Lead poisoning c. Megaloblastic anemia d.CRF e.Malaria
- Severe anemia in the first year of life (2002/1)15
- Describe laboratory investigations in an infant with anemia and Briefly outline the interpretation of test results (1995/1)25
- Discuss the etiology and investigations in a case of Anemia (1994)25
Section 2. Anemias Of Inadequate Production
Congenital Hypoplastic Anemia (Diamond-Blackfan Anemia)
- Diamond -Blackfan anemia-clinical features and treatment [2018/2]5
- Characteristic hematological features, laboratory findings and treatment of congenital hypoplastic anemia (Diamond Blackfan Anemia) 3+3+4 (2015/2)
Pearson Syndrome
No questions asked so far
Acquired Pure Red Blood Cell Anemia
- Management of Aplastic anemia 5 (2019/1) 5, (Apr 2016)
Megaloblastic Anemias
- Write clinical features, management and long-term outcome of Vit B12 deficiency (2022/1) 5
- Diagnostic and management of Megaloblastic anemia (2019/1) 5
- Write short note on: Peripheral smear findings in iron deficiency and B12 deficiency anemia (2010/2)5+5
- Enlist the common causes of macrocytic anemia. Describe the laboratory diagnosis and treatment of megaloblastic anemia. (2009/2)2+3+5
- Discuss causes, clinical manifestations, laboratory findings and treatment of Folate Deficiency anaemia in children (2007/2)10
- Clinicohematological prole of Megaloblastic Anaemia (2006/1)10
- List the common causes of macrocytic anaemia. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia and treatment of juvenile pernicious anaemia. (2004/2) 4+3+3
- Megaloblastic anemia (2003/2)15
Iron-Deficiency Anemia
- A) Describe the iron metabolism
B) Management of hypochromic microcytic anemia in children (2022/1) 5+5 - Prevention of iron deficiency anaemia in children under 5 years of age (2018/1/5)
- Describe the sequential pathological changes seen with iron deficiency states. What laboratory studies can be used to differentiate common microcytic anemias? (2013/2) 5+5
- Outline the etiology of iron deficiency in children. Describe the clinical features and approach to diagnosis of a child suspected to be having nutritional anemia. (2013/1)3+(2+5)
- Enlist the causes and outline the Differential Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia (2005)3+3+4
- Management of Iron Deficiency anemia (1998/2)10
- Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia in children (1995/2) 15
Other Microcytic Anemias
- Differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anaemia (2018/2)5
Section 3. Hemolytic Anemias
Hereditary Spherocytosis
- Hereditary Spherocytosis (2006)10
- Diagnosis and management of Congenital Hereditary Spherocytosis (1997/1)15
- Methemoglobinemia- diagnosis, and management (2017/2) 4
Sickle Cell
- Sickle cell crises clinical features and management (2021/2) 5
- Management of acute sickle cell crisis (1999/1)15
- Acute clinical complications of Sickle cell disease (2017/2) 6
- Iron chelating agents in Pediatric practice. (2020/1) 5
- Management of transfusion in dependent thalassemia. (2020/2) 5
- Counseling of an antenatal mother who has a thalassemia major child (2019/2)4
- Iron chelation therapy (2017/1) 5, (2019/1) 5
- Advances in treatment of Thalassemia major (2016/2) 5What are the usual patterns in haemoglobin electrophoresis in beta thalassemia syndromes? [2018/1]
- Indication of splenectomy in thalassemia [2018/2]5
- Recent concepts/advances for treatment /management of Thalassemia major in children (1995/2)10, (2014/2)5
- Describe the foetal hemoglobins. Discuss the transfusion therapy for Thalassemia major and its long term follow up plan. (2014/1)3+4+3
- Outline the long term complications of thalassemia major. How will you monitor for such complications in a child with thalassemia major? (2013/1)5+5
- List the causes of microcytic hypochromic anemia. Provide differentiating features between iron deficiency anaemia and beta thalassemia trait. Describe the management of thalassemia major. (2011/1)3+3+4
- Outline the antenatal management of a mother with an earlier child with thalasemia major (2007/2)10
- Alpha Thalassemia (2007/1)10
- In relation to Thalassemia write a note on the following (2005)10 a.Alkali desaturation test b.NESTROFT test c.Peripheral smear d.SQUID-BLS e.BMD
- Genetic basis of Thalassemia syndromes (2002/1)15
- Antenatal diagnosis of Thalassemia (1999/2)15
- Newer modalities in the management of β Thalassemia Major (1999/2)10
- Current management of Thalassemia Major (1996/2)15
Enzymatic Defects
- Enlist the red blood cell metabolic enzyme pathways and the enzymes responsible for hemolysis. Discuss the pathogenesis involved in these hemolytic anemias. (2011/1)3+7
- Briefly outline normal erythropoiesis. Describe the diagnosis and treatment of G6PD deficiency (2007/2)10
- 3-year-old Child-H/O Jaundice since 2 months, H/O Exchange transfusion in neonatal period. Discuss the D/D. Classify Hemolytic Anemia. Add a note on the management of Intravascular hemolysis in G6PD deficiency (2005)4+4+2
- G6PD deficiency (1999/2)10
- Pathogenesis of anemia in G6PD Deficiency (1999/1)15
Hemolytic Anemias Resulting from Extracellular Factors—Immune Hemolytic Anemias
- Diagnosis and management of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia 3(2015/1)
- Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis and diagnostic workup of Acute autoimmune hemolytic anemia. (2010/2)3+3+4
- Discuss the etiology and management of Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (2009/1)3+7
Section 4. Polycythemia (erythrocytosis)
No questions asked from this section so far, however neonatal polycythemia is an important question and is commonly asked (refer neonataology questions)
Section 5. The Pancytopenias
- Evaluation of a child with pancytopenia (2020/1) 5
Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes With Pancytopenia
No question so far
The Acquired Pancytopenias
- Define pancytopenia. Enumerate common causes in children. How will you assess the severity of acquired anemia in children? (2011/2)2+3+5
- Evaluation of a child with pancytopenia (2020/01)5
- Define pancytopenia. Enlist the causes and assessment of the severity of aplastic anemia in children. (2010/1)2+4+4
- Classify causes of acquired pancytopenia. Write Briefly about the management of acquired aplastic anemia. (2009/1)3+7
Section 6. Blood component transfusion
Red Blood Cell Transfusions and Erythropoietin Therapy
- Complications of blood transfusion. (2022/01)5
- Indications of Blood Component Therapy. (2020/01)5
- Precautions to be taken while transfusing hemolytic child (2019/2)4
- Transfusion of Blood fractions 10 (god only knows but a bit older pattern, nonspecific)
Platelet Transfusions
- Enumerate the indication of platelet transfusion in pediatrics (2019/1) 5
Plasma Transfusions
- Outline the method of extracting various blood components. What are the indications of the usage of Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) and cryoprecipitate? (2009/2)5+5
Risks of Blood Transfusions
- Transfusion-associated hepatitis. Diagnosis and management (2017/1) 5
- Discuss Briefly the risks associated with blood transfusion therapy. (2013/2)10
- Discuss the inherent hazards of Blood Transfusion in children and the necessary measures to avoid and minimize them (2007/1)10
Section 7. Hemorrhagic And Thrombotic Diseases
- Role and function of platelets in physiology of haemostasis (2020/01)5
- What are the components of haemostatic process? Outline the coagulation cascade (2019/1)1
- Draw a diagrammatic representation of coagulation cascade (2017/1) 5
- Differentiate bleeding disorder from clotting disorder (2016/2) 3
Hereditary Clotting Factor Deficiencies (Bleeding Disorders)
- Oral drugs in the management of hemophilia (2022/1) 5
- Recent advances in management of hemophilia. (2021/2) 5
- Prophylaxis program in haemophilia (2019/2) 4
- Advance in treatment of hemophilia (2019/1) 5
- Investigation and treatment of a 2-year-old boy presenting with spontaneous hemarthrosis (2016/2) 10
- Factor replacement therapy in haemophilia (2017/1) 5
- Specific treatment of mild to moderate bleeding in Haemophilia A (2018/1) 5
- A 10-year-old boy with hemophilia A, weighing 30 kg has come with bleeding in both knee joints. Discuss Briefly the specific, supportive and prophylactic management of this child. (2011/1) 4+3+3
- Discuss the various aspects of management of a child with Hemophilia A (2007/2)10
- A 5-year-old male child comes with a history of trivial fall and swelling of right knee. He has history of easy bruisability. Discuss the laboratory diagnosis and management of this child. Add a note on antenatal diagnosis and counselling (2006)10
- Explain coagulation cascade. A 4-year-old child with h/o recurrent epistaxis and gum bleeding. Discuss laboratory diagnosis and management of this condition. Add a note of differentiating a bleeding disorder from a coagulation disorder (2005)5+3+2
- Antenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of Hemophilia (1998/2)15
Von Willebrand Disease
- Von Willebrand disease. (2020/01)5
Thrombotic Disorders in Children
- Pathophysiology of thrombophilia 4(1/2016)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
- Diagrammatically outline the Normal Coagulation Cascade. Outline diagnosis and management of disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) (2009/1) 4+6
- Discuss the pathogenesis of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and relate it to the laboratory abnormalities observed in this entity. (2008/1) 10
- Write a note on DIC (1996/2) 15
Platelet and Blood Vessel Disorders
- ITP diagnosis and management (2021/2) 5
- Management of 1st episode of ITP (2019/2)5
- Management of chronic ITP (2018/2)5
- Management of ITP (2017/1) 5
- An 8-year-old girl has presented with epistaxis, bleeding gum and ecchymotic patches over trunk. Her platelet count is 20,000/cumm. Discuss the differential diagnosis with specific clinical investigative pointers. Plan the diagnostic work up for this child. (2013/2) 3+3+2+2
- Discuss the treatment options for acute ITP in a 14-year-old girl child. (2013/1)10
- Write in brief regarding the etiology and management of idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). (2011/1)4+6
- Various treatment modalities in acute ITP (2006)10
- Write differential diagnosis of a 5-year-old child with petechial rash with fever. How will you manage a child with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. (2004/2)4+6
Section 8. The Spleen
Anatomy and Function of the Spleen
- Describe the functions of spleen. Describe clinical manifestations and management of asplenia/polysplenia. (2010/1)4+3+3
- Outline the functions of Spleen. Describe the indications and complication of splenectomy and post –operative management. (2009/1)3+7
Section 9. The Lymphatic System
No questions asked so far from thi section
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