DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Urology and Gynecology disorders
This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.
How to use?
- Questions are arranged in chronological order, latest first
- Each question is followed by a Numbers.
- Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
- The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.
Urinary tract infection
- Point of care test for diagnosis of urinary tract infection. (2020/2)5
- Outline the evaluation plan for an infant presenting with UTI (2016/2) 3
- How is urinary tract infection diagnosed? Draw an algorithm for evaluation of a child after the first episode of UTI. Describe the utility of a DMSA scan. (2014/1)2+5+3
- What are the clinical manifestations of urinary tract infections (UTI) in children? Describe the plan of investigations and management of a 2 year old boy with recurrent UTI. (2009/2)2+4+4
- Discuss approach to a child with recurrent urinary tract infections. What are the indications, goal and schedule of antimicrobial prophylaxis in treating such a child? (2009/1)10
- Imaging studies indicated in a child with UTI (2006)10
- Classify UTI and provide an algorithm for management of a child with first episode of UTI (2005)3+7
- Recurrent UTI (2003/2)15
- Recurrent UTI in childhood (2002/1)15
- Management of a 2 year old child with first attack of UTI (1999/2)10
- Describe the etiological factors, clinical manifestations and management of children with UTI (1995/2)25
- Investigation of a 7 year old boy with Recurrent UTI (1993/2)10
Vesicoureteral Reflux
- Management of vesico-ureteric reflex (2020/01)5
- Classification of VUR (2018/2)5
- Grading of VUR (2016/2)
- Causes and management of secondary vesico-ureteral reflux (2018/1) 5
- Grading, classification and natural history of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). (2015/1)3+3+4
- Define vesicoureteral reflux (VUR). Classify the grades of VUR. Discuss in brief the medical and surgical management of VUR in children. (2011/1)2+2+6
- Write short note on: Grading of vesico-ureteric reflux and indications of surgical intervention in children with vesico-ureteric reflux (2010/2)3+2
- Clinical features, grading and management of vesico-ureteric reux (2010/1)3+3+4
- Give the grading of VUR. Outline its evaluation and management in children (2007/2)10
- Outline the grades of vesico-ureteric reux. Discuss the management of a child with recurrent urinary tract infection with grade 4 vesico-ureteric reflux. (2004/2)4+3+3
- Management of an infant with VUR (1993/1)15
- Discuss criteria for diagnosis, staging, and management of VUR (1992)25
Renal Imaging
- Describe briefly various types of renal nuclear scans (2018/1) 5
- Scanning in renal disease (2018/2) 5
Neuropathic Bladder
- Neurogenic Bladder (1998/2)15
Enuresis and Voiding Dysfunction
- Management of a child with nocturnal enuresis (2021/1) 5
- Diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal enuresis in an eight-year-old (2018/1) 6
- Treatment of Bowel Bladder disorder (2016/2) 5
- Write short notes on: a) Voiding dysfunctions in children (2013/2) 5
- Discuss evaluation and management of an 8-year-old male with primary nocturnal enuresis. (2010/2)4+6
- What is nocturnal enuresis? Outline the causes for the same. Describe the modalities for managing a 6-year-old child with enuresis. (2008/2)10
- Management of nocturnal Enuresis. (2007/1)5
- Define Enuresis. Discuss its manifestations and management (2006)5
- Enuresis (1996/2)15
- Write a short note on non-specific vulvo-vaginitis in children with special emphasis on its etiopathogenesis and treatment (2008/1)10
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Hirsutism
- Diagnosis and management of PCOS (2019/2) 5

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