DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Statistics and Evidence based medicine

This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.

How to use?

  1. Questions are arranged in chronological order, latest first
  2. Each question is followed by a Numbers.
  3. Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
  4. The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.


  1. Ethical committee role within an institution (2021/1) 5
  2. Plagiarism (2021/1) 5
  3. Odds ratio and limitations (2021/1) 5
  4. Meta-analysis (2021/1) 5
  5. Ethics in biomedical research. (2020/1) 5
  6. Discuss
    1. Forest Plot.
    2. Cochrane Review. (2020/1) 5+5
  7. Comment critically on “Evaluation of a diagnostic test study (2019/2) 6
  8. Steps in planning an RCT (2019/1) 5
  9. Tests of statistical significance (2018/2) 5
  10. Source of health information in research (2018/2) 5
  11. Components of structured abstract (2018/1) 4
  12. Study designs (2018/1) 6
  13. Ethical principles when doing research on humans (2018/1) 5
  14. Measures of Central tendency (2018/1) 5, (2016/2) 5
  15. Assessing the value of a diagnostic test (2017/1) 3
  16. Metanalysis (2017/1) 4
  17. Observational studies (2017/1) 4
  18. Need and methods of blinding for research (2017/2) 6
  19. Characteristics of a good research question (2017/2) 4
  20. Odds ratio (2016/2) 5
  21. Meta-analysis (01/2016) 3
  22. Forest plot graph (01/2016) 3
  23. a) Ethics in biomedical research
    b) Clinical trials phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and phase 4. (April 2016) 5+5
  24. a) Forest plot in meta-analysis
    b) Evidence-based medicine (April 2016) 4+6
  25. a) What is a relative risk (RR) and discuss its implications.?
    b) What is the usefulness of confidence interval?
    c)Implications of sensitivity and specificity. (2015/2) 4+3+3
  26. a) What is bias in medical research
    b) Common types of bias and the methods to minimize bias in analytic studies. (2015/2) 2+4+4
  27. Write notes on
    1. Component of ethics in biomedical research
    2. “p value” and its level of significance
    3. Allocation concealment (2015/1) 4+3+3
  28. Define and explain
    1. Sensitivity,
    2. specificity,
    3. positive predictive value, and
    4. negative predictive value of a diagnostic test. (2010/2) 2.5 4+4+4+4, (2014/2) 2+2+2
  29. Define and describe the following concepts used for measuring growth a) Percentile b) Percent of median c) Z scores. and discuss their relation to each other. (2012/1) 2+2+3+3
  30. Types of error in a research study (2014/2) 4
  31. Discuss the following.
    1. Students ‘t-test
    2. Sample size
    3. Ethics in research (2014/1) 3+3+4

Evidence-based medicine

  1. Epidemiological investigation of an outbreak (2021/1) 5
  2. Evidence based medicine practice. (2020/01)5
  3. What is Evidence-Based Medicine? How are the guidelines based on Evidence-Based Medicine developed? How are the recommendation graded for the level of evidence? (2011/2)2+4+4
  4. Clarify the concept of evidence-based medicine. Define ‘strength of evidence ‘and ‘quality of evidence’. Provide suitable examples to justify your Definitions. (2011/1)3+3+4
  5. Define evidence-based medicine, as applicable to pediatric practice. Enlist basic steps in the practice of evidence-based medicine. Name a few databases of systematic reviews. (2008/1) 10

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