DNB Theory question bank 2022 | Neuromascular disorders

This is a 2022 update on previously asked questions in the DNB pediatrics theory exam. The questions are arranged topic-wise.

How to use?

  1. Questions are arranged in chronological order, latest first
  2. Each question is followed by a Numbers.
  3. Numbers in bracket are Year followed by session, 1 is June session, 2 is December session eg. (2022/1) is a question from June 2022 question paper
  4. The number after the bracket is Marks allotted for eg. 5+5 is 5 marks for each subquestion.

Evaluation and Investigation of Neuromuscular Disorders

  1. Pseudoparalysis (2006)
  2. Briefly discuss the role of electrophysiological studies in pediatric neurological disorders. (2004/2)10
  3. Differential diagnosis of Floppy Infant (1996/1) 12

Muscular Dystrophies

  1. Genetic counseling in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (2019/1) 5
  2. Family Genetic Counseling to parents with 2 boys having calf hypertrophy and progressive proximal leg muscle weakness (2007/1)10

Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission and of Motor Neurons

Myasthenia gravis

  1. Diagnosis of myasthenia gravis (2018/1)5
  2. Discuss about the clinical features, types, diagnosis and management of Myasthenia Gravis. (2011/2)3+2+2+3
  3. Clinical features, diagnostic evaluation and treatment of myasthenia gravis. (2010/1) 3+3+4


  1. Therapies for spinal muscular atrophy (2018/2) 5
  2. A) Classification of spinal muscular atrophies (SMA) 5
    B) Major distinguishing features amongst various forms of SMA (2015/2)5
  3. Types, clinical presentation and management of spinal muscular atrophies (2014/2) 2+4+4
  4. Discuss the differential diagnosis of a floppy infant. Write a short note on clinical and laboratory characteristics of Werdnig- Hoffman disease. (2013/1) 4+3+3

Hereditary Motor-Sensory Neuropathies

  1. Describe the different types of hereditary neuropathies. Outline the diagnostic approach and management of type 1 hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy. (2010/1)4+6

Toxic Neuropathies

  1. Toxic Neuropathy 15

Autonomic Neuropathies

  1. Familial dysautonomia (1/2016)5
  2. Autonomic neuropathies (1/2016)5

Bell Palsy

  1. Outline the pathway of the seventh cranial nerve. Discuss the diagnosis and management of Bell’s palsy. (2004/2) 4+3+3

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