DNB Online Teaching sessions by KKCTH alumni

There has been a lot of frustration over the result of DNB Pediatrics exit exams in recent years. We have previously discussed the changing perspective of DNB exams here in detail.

A complete resolution of the situation right now may not be possible but there can be solutions. KKCTCH alumni team has decided to arrange regular teachings for DNB students with the help of our teachers Dr. Janani Shankar, Dr. K G Ravikumar, Dr. R Radhika, and others. We intend to continue this for 5 sessions and then on a regular basis while our team expands further. We have already conducted an introductory session followed by first session on OSCE and clinicals.

DNB Teaching 2021 by KKCTH Alumni

Disclaimer - Note that this program is organized by alumni’s of KKCTH, Chennai with the help of our teachers with an aim to continue guidance for DNB students and is not related in any way with the current administration or hospital management. The programme is organised by KKCTH teachers and alumnis to help DNB exam preparation

So Far, A catch-up session was conducted on 12th Nov where the teachers interacted with participants this was followed by a theory and OSCE teaching session on 14th Nov with excellent response and enthusiasm.

If you are interested in joining our next session this weekend. Here are the details

DNB Teaching 2021 by KKCTH Alumni - 2nd session


Date : Sunday, the 21st Nov
Time : 10:00 AM onwards

Theory Preparation:

This is the continuation of the discussion from last Sunday.
10am: More tips on theory preparation by Dr.Pinki, Junior consultant KKCTH

How to write the Answer sheet? by
Dr. Janani Shankar, Senior consultant KKCTH

10:30 AM Topic discussion by
Dr. Krishnapriya, KKCTH alumni

Practical Preparation

OSCE session 11 AM onwards
Dr. R Radhika, ER consultant KKCTH
stations on ECG, ABG, Dys-electrolytemia, Poisoning

This event is closed now for further registrations

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