DNB Pediatrics Theory Question Paper June 2020

DNB theory question paper for final exam held by National Board of Examination in June 2020 .

Links to model answers are given where available.


  1. a. Fetal circulation and changes after birth. | Neonatology
    b. Genetic counseling for Down Syndrome. 5+5 | Human genetics
  2. a. Ethics in biomedical research. | Statistics
    b. Intraosseous infusions: Indications and complications. 5+5  | Misc
  3. a. Diagrammatic representation of urea cycle. | Metabolics
    b. Management of hyperammonemia.5+5 | Metabolics
  4. a. Role of EEG in the management of seizure disorders in children. | Neurology
    b. Cytokine storm. 5+5 | Immunology
  5. a. Forest Plot. | Statistics
    b. Cochrane Review. 5+5  | Evidence-based medicine


  1. a. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance. | Infectious disease
    b. Vitamin D supplementation - Why, when, and how? 5+5 | Nutrition
  2. a. Enumerate and describe the scoring systems to evaluate the severity of respiratory distress in newborn. | Neonatology
    b. Outline the indications, setting and contraindications of CPAP in new born infants. 5+5 | Neonatology
  3. a. Pathophysiology of Vitamin B12 and Folate deficiency. | Nutrition
    b. Role and function of platelets in physiology of haemostasis.5+5 | Hematology
  4. Outline the basic principles of sleep hygiene for children and adolescents.5+5 | Growth Development and behavior
  5. Enumerate the various functions of growth hormone and describe indications of growth hormone therapy. 5+5 | Endocrinology

Paper 2

Write short notes on:


  1. a. Evaluation of child with pancytopenia. | Hematology
    b. von Willebrand disease. 5+5
  2. a. Diagnostic evaluation of stroke. | Neurology
    b. Diagnosis and management of hemolytic uremic syndrome. 5+5 | Nephrology
  3. a. Metabolic emergencies in pediatric malignancies. | Oncology
    b. Management of vesico-ureteric reflex. 5+5 | Urology
  4. a. Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) - aetiology, staging and management. | Neonatology
    b. Prevention of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). 5+5 | Neonatology
  5. a. Nutrition in a critically sick child. | Nutrition
    b. Role of salicylates in Kawasaki disease. 5+5 | 


  1. a. Febrile neutropenia. | Oncology
    b. Iron chelating agents in Pediatric practice.5+5 | Hematology
  2. A 4-day old home delivered boy (weight 1350g, Gestation 36 wk is brought to you with abnormal body movements and non-acceptance of feeds. The child is cold to touch and capillary filling time is 5 seconds. Discuss the diagnosis and management of this child. 5+5 | Emergency medicine
  3. a. Diagnostic tumor markers and their role in the management of specific childhood cancers. | Oncology
    b. Treatment of Neuroblastoma. 5+5
  4. a. Landau Kleffner Syndrome. | Neurology
    b. Acute cerebellar ataxia. 5+5
  5. a. Precocious puberty. | Endocrinology
    b. Pica - causes clinical features and management. 5+5 | Growth Development and behavior

Paper 3

Write short notes on:


  1. a. Explain the pathogenesis and diagnosis of celiac disease. | GI and Hepatology
    b. Define non-responsive celiac disease and refractory celiac disease. 4+4+2 
  2. a. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. | Endocrinology
    b. Long-term management of Type 1 diabetes mellitus. 5+5
  3. a. Clinical features and management of scabies in children. | The Skin
    b. Management of scorpion sting. 5+5 | Health hazards and bites
  4. Approach to diagnosis and management of a child with suspected immune deficiency.10 | Immunology
  5. a. Congenital cataract: causes and prevention. | The Eye
    b. Post-exposure prophylaxis for a dog bite. 5+5 | Health hazards and bites


  1. Discuss briefly the differential diagnosis and management of a 3-year-old unimmunized child presenting with fever and stridor for 3 days. 5+5 | Infectious diseases
  2. a. Metabolic causes of hepatic failure. | GI and Hepatology
    b. Diagnosis and prevention of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). 5+5 | Endocrine
  3. Write a brief note on the magnitude of suicide in adolescents. Discuss briefly the approach to suspecting and preventing self-harm in adolescents. 3+(4+3) | Growth Development and behavior
  4. a. Management of suspected sexual abuse in a 10-year-old girl. | Field of pediatrics (abuse and neglected children)
    b. Approach to management of corrosive poisoning. 5+5 | Pediatric Drug therapy (toxicology)
  5. a. Typhoid conjugate vaccine. | Vaccinology
    b. Treatment of functional constipation. 5+5 | GI and Hepatology

Paper 4

Write short notes on:


  1. a) Role of probiotics in gastrointestinal disorders. | GI and Hepatology
    b) Renal osteodystrophy. 5+5 | Nephrology
  2. Prevalence, clinical manifestations, and management of Covid-19 infections in children. 2+3+5 | Infectious diseases. | Infectious diseases
  3. a) Pediatric triage management in the emergency department. | Emergency medicine
    b) Evidence-based medicine practice. 5+5 | Evidence-based medicine
  4. a) Indications of Blood Component Therapy. | Hematology
    b) Child Adoption (Answer). 5+5 | Social
  5. a) Breast Milk Banking. | Neonatology
    b) Therapeutic hypothermia. 5+5 | Neonatology


  1. Discuss the ill-effects of digital media on child health and the Guidelines for their prevention. 5+5 | Misc
  2. Define the role and principles of Antibiotic stewardship in inpatient and outpatient settings in pediatric practice. 5+5 | Infectious diseases
  3. a) Teleconsultation Guidelines, Advantages, and Drawbacks. | Misc
    b) Umbilical Cord Blood Banking: Pros and Cons. 5+5 | Neonatology
  4. Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of high blood pressure in children. 5+5 | Cardiology
  5. a) IAP Guidelines on junk food, and fruit juices. | Nutrition
    b) Prevention of obesity in children. 5+5 | Nutrition
DNB Pediatrics old Question Paper december 2014

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