DNB Pediatrics Question paper bank - December 2018

DNB theory question paper for final exam held by National Board of Examination in December 2018 .

Links to relevant answers are given where available.


  1. A. Neonatal mortality rate- Indian current status.
    B. Physical and metabolic properties, food sources of vitamin D.
  2. A. Sources of health information for research.
    B. Tests of statistical significance.
  3. A. Causes of metabolic acidosis and role of the anion gap.
    B. Mechanism of phototherapy in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia.
  4. A. Approach to a child with suspected inborn error of metabolism.
    B. Hepatobiliary morphogenesis.
  5. A. Components of facility based newborn care.
    B. Triage of sick new born in SNCU.
  6. A. Anatomy and function of nephron.
    B. Disorders of neuronal migration.
  7. A. Safe injection practices.
    B. Principles of stem cell theraphy.
  8. A. Bronchogenic cyst.
    B. Steroidogenic pathway.
  9. A. Components of Nutritional rehabilitation centre.
    B. ASHA.
  10. A. HPV vaccine current status .
    B. Patterns of genetic inheritance.


  1. A. causes and treatment of epistaxis. 5
    B. Differentials for microcytic hypochromic anemia. 5
  2. A. Temperature regulation in newborn. 5
    B. Syndromes assoc with obesity. 5
  3. A. Diamond blackfan anemia, clinical features and treatment. 5
    B. Management of chronic ITP. 5
  4. A. Classifc of VUR. 5
    B. Renal osteodystrophy. 5
  5. A. Diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. 5
    B. components and benefits of KMC ( Kangaroo mother care) 5
  6. A. Investigations and treatment of neonatal seizures. 7
    B. Trichotillomania. 3
  7. A. Neuroblastoma- clinical features and diagnosis. 5
    B. List of micronutrients and methods of prevention of their deficiency. 5
  8. A. Complications and management of neonate born to mother with diabetes.
    B. Medical management of PDA.
  9. A. Complications of diphtheria. 6
    B. Causes and treatment of Vit D resistant rickets. 4
  10. A. Recent RNTCP guidelines for pediatric TB.
    B. Management of fulminant hepatic failure.


  1. A. X linked agamaglobulinemia.
    B. H1N1-Clinical features and management.
  2. A. SLE- diagnostic criteria.
    B. HSP- clinical features and diagnosis.
  3. A. Clinical features of juvenile dermatomyositis.
    B. Clinical features of acrodermatitis enteropathica.
  4. A. Pathogenesis of eisenmengerization
    B. Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis
  5. A. Management of acute myocarditis.
    B. Causes of recurrent wheeze in children.
  6. A. Infective endocarditis prophylaxis.
    B. Clinical features an diagnosis of portal hypertension.
  7. A. Management of hyperkalemia.
    B. Treatment of Organophosphorus poisoning.
  8. A. Diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease.
    B. Adolescent immunization.
  9. A. Snake bite envenomation- clinical festures.
    B. Laboratory diagnosis of ricketsial infections.
  10. A. Clinical features of tyrosinemiatype1.
    B. Pediatric cochlear implant.


  1. A. Role of imunophenotyping in diagnosis of Acute leukemia.
    B. Indication for splenectomy in thalassemia.
  2. A. Calcium regulation in humans.
    B. Anti cytokine drugs and their indications.
  3. A. Recent advances in diagnosis of tuberculosis.
    B. Management of DKA.
  4. A. Treatmrent of steroid resistant Nephrotic syndrome.
    B. Hematopoiteic growth factors.
  5. A. Therapies for Spinal Muscular Atrophy.
    B. Diagnostic approach to precocious puberty in girls.
  6. A. Renal Scans.
    B. Counselling in downs syndrome.
  7. A. Recent advances in treatment of bronchiolitis.
    B. Treatment guidelines of neonate born to HIV+ mother.
  8. A. Investigation and treatment of childhood vertigo.
    B. Approach to suspected immunodeficiency. Investigate.
  9. A. Causes and pathophysiology of pancreatic enzyme insufficiency.
    B. Serological tests for celiac disesase.
  10. A. Plasmapheresis.
    B. Evaluation and treatment of congenital hypothyroidism.
Question Paper Bank
old dnb question papers 2018

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