DNB Pediatrics Question paper - December 2017

DNB theory question paper for final exam held by National Board of Examination inDecember 2017 .

Links to relevant answers are given where available.


1) A. Biological changes during adolescence 5
B. Comorbidities associated with childhood obesity. 5

2) A. Determinants of plasma osmolality. 6
B. Diagnostic criteria for Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion

3) A. Characteristics of a good research question 4
B. Need and methods of blinding for research 6

4) A. Testing for single-gene disorders. 6
C. Antenatal screening for Down syndrome. 4

5) A. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK) 6
B. POCSO Act, 2012 - 4

6) A. Infant Mortality Rate in India-current status. 5 B. Principles of rational antibiotic therapy. 5

7) A. Steroid biosynthesis pathway. 4
B. Clinical features of classical CAH. 6

8) A. Diagnosis and management of moderate acute malnutrition 6 B. Reductive adaptation in severe acute malnutrition4

9) A. Causes of blue spell in neonates6
B. Differences between SVT and sinus tachycardia.4

10) A. Pneumococcal vaccines.5
B. Approach to a child with metabolic alkalosis.5


1) A. Major causes of neonatal mortality and morbidity in India.4 B. Assessment of fetal well being in pregnancy.6

2) A. Diagrammatic depiction of layers of scalp and their relationship to various hemorrhages in newborn scalp. 6
B. Management of hemorrhagic disease of newborn during first month of life. 4

3) A. Maternal factors affecting fetal growth.4 B. Definition and causes of failure to thrive.6

4) A. Acute clinical complications of sickle cell disease.6 B. Diagnosis and management of methemoglobinemia.4

5) A. Etiopathogenesis of RPGN.6 B. Management of HUS.4

6) A. List the key problems during breastfeeding and their management. 6 B. Screening guidelines for ROP. 4

7) A. Treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia5 B. Management of tumour lysis syndrome.5

8) A. Physical differences between IUGR and preterm babies.4
B. Interventions to improve neurodevelopmental outcome of LBW Infants at 1 year of age. 6

9) A. Treatment and prevention of Vitamin D deficiency rickets6 B. Diagnosis of Scurvy4

10) A. Classification of headache in children4
B. Diagnostic criteria for pseudotumor cerebrii3 C. List common movement disorders in children3


1) A. Diagnosis and management of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome 5
B. Diagnosis and treatment of leptospirosis. 5
2) A. Approach to a child with joint pains 6
B. Treatment of Kawasaki disease 4

3) A. Cutaneous manifestations of nutritional deficiencies 6
B. Drug treatment for urticaria 4

4) A. Primary ciliary dyskinesia – diagnosis 6
B. Management of acute laryngotracheobronchitis 4

5) A. Management of hypernatremic dehydration 6
B. Management of dysentery 4

6) A. Diagnosis and prevention of congenital rubella syndrome. 5
B. Current therapy of Kala-azar. 5

7) A. Clinical manifestations of scorpion sting envenomation. 5
B. Management of a child with acid ingestion. 5

8) A. Management of congestive heart failure. 5
B. Complications of Tetralogy of Fallot. 5

9) A. Approach to an adolescent with delayed puberty 5
B. Commonly used insulin regimens for long-term treatment of diabetes mellitus type 1. 5

10) A. Diagnosis and management of severe combined immunodeficiency disease
(SCID) 5
B. Newer anti-epileptic drugs –write the name, dosage and salient adverse effects in a tabular form. 5

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DNB Pediatrics Question Paper 2019 December

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