CME Clinical Pediatrics
B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children Hospital is inviting for CME in clinical pediatrics
Date: 18th – 22nd March 2015.
The program will include case presentations, approach and management, strategies by experts in various pediatric specialties, and VIVA and OSCE stations.
Venue: Dr. S. M Merchant Auditorium, B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children, Parel, Mumbai- 400012
Registration fees: Rs 4000/- (Rs. Four thousand) Draft
Outstation cheque: Rs 4200/- (Rs. Five thousand two hundred only)
After 28th February 2015 Rs. 5500/- (Five thousand five hundred only)
Cheque / Draft to be drawn in the name of B.J. Wadia Hospital for Children
No Spot Registration
Registration is limited. For further details kindly contact:
Dr. S.S.Prabhu -09920110935 e-mail:
Mrs. Asha S. Sharma - 09869647860, 24126068, 24126202 e-mail