Bubble Nasal CPAP ( bNCPAP) | Procedure skills OSCE
This video post demonstrate setting up a Nasal Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in neonates. OSCE station based on CPAP are fairly common. This video is recorded long time back, all the way from my training days (lives upto my enthusiasm to record things), but I hope it serves the purpose.
Admission to NICU carries implicit consent for such an emergency procedure however it does carry risk and parents or carers must be fully informed about the procedure at the first suitable opportunity and written consent should be obtained.
Ajay Agade | DNB(Pediatrics), FNB(Pediatric Intensive Care), Fellowship in Pediatric pulmonology and LTV
Ajay is a Paediatric Intensivist, currently working in Pediatric Pulmonology & LTV at Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS, London
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